Professor's Edge
Students: Successful college application essays show, rather than tell, what makes the applicant special. They describe an experience or development and then reveal its impact on the student's life. Effective essays immediately pull the reader in and then keep the reader committed to seeing the story unfold. These essays make an important point but do so by encouraging the reader to infer it on his or her own, rather than saying it outright. Great essays, for example, demonstrate endurance by showing the applicant persist through a difficult problem, reveal empathy by presenting a challenging act of compassion for others, or exhibit passion by demonstrating a sustained commitment to a compelling cause. As the reader watches you grow, he or she gains a personal stake in your success.
Parents: Students often have wonderful ideas for college essays, and when they do not, I have become quite effective at helping them to develop promising ideas in the course of our conversations. Sometimes, what a student anticipates might provide the basis for a short essay can be best developed into the major essay, and vice versa. I will work closely with your student to help develop the major and short essays to best present him or her in the application process.
Parents: It is often said that there is no such thing as great writing, only great editing. I will push your student to write carefully and clearly and to develop excellent editing skills as he or she works through this important essay process.
Students: I will also regularly update the next page (the "Clients" button) with testimonials and writing tips. I encourage you to visit and revisit that page to acquire new tools that will not only serve you well when applying to college, but also once enrolled. Learning to write and edit well is a truly valuable life skill no matter which career path you pursue.
The college-application process is a marathon, not a sprint, and so careful planning and attention to detail at each step is essential. Here is the menu of services I offer to assist in this important process.
Students: Some of you will begin this process with well-formed ideas about where you wish to go to school, what you want to major in, and even what you plan to do for your careers. Others of you will have only vague notions about each of these things, and will be seeking guidance and input throughout. For those in the former group, it is important to be sufficiently open minded that you might pursue a different goal as you become exposed to new institutions and new fields of study. For those students in the latter group, now is an excellent time to begin thinking about what you most want your college experience to be. Colleges and universities are as varied as individuals, and finding the right match is the first step in a rewarding undergraduate experience.
Parents: During our early conversations, we will discuss your student's academic credentials, interests, geographical preferences, and, most importantly, what he or she is looking for in a college experience. I will help your son or daughter to develop a personalized list of schools to apply to that includes an appropriate range, from reach to safety. I will also encourage your student to read about these schools carefully because a critical aspect of the application process is demonstrating a specific interest in each school to which he or she is applying.
Selecting Colleges
Developing Essay Ideas
Writing, editing, and more editing